En 2024


Denis, G ; Espitia, O ; Allix-Béguec, C ; Dieval, C ; Lorcerie, F ; Gombert, B ; … ; Auriault, ML ; …& al
Diagnostic Strategy Using Color Doppler Ultrasound of Temporal Arteries in Patients With High Clinical Suspicion of Giant Cell Arteritis : A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med, 2024 (177)729-737



Aubin, HJ ; Berlin, I ; Guiraud, J ; Bruhwyler, J ; Batel, P ; Perney, P ; Trojak, B ; Bendimerad, P & al
Prazosin and cyproheptadine in combination in the treatment of alcohol use disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Addiction, 2024():



Hermida, A ; Ader, F ; Millat, G ; Jedraszak, G ; Maury, P ; Cador, R ; … ; Milhem, A ; …& al
NEXN Gene in Cardiomyopathies and Sudden Cardiac Deaths: Prevalence, Phenotypic Expression, and Prognosis. Circ Genom Precis Med, 2024(17):e004285


Chirurgie maxillo-faciale

Rohee-Traore, A ; Kahn, A ; Khonsari, RH ; Pham-Dang, N ; Majoufre-Lefebvre, C ; Meyer, C ; … ; Prevost, R ; … & al
Facial dog bites in children: A public health problem highlighted by COVID-19 lockdown. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2024(125):101671



Dréno, B ; Nguyen, JM ; Hainaut, E ; Machet, L ; Leccia, MT ; Beneton, N ; Claudel, JP ; Célérier, P & al
Efficacy of Spironolactone Compared with Doxycycline in Moderate Acne in Adult Females: Results of the Multicentre, Controlled, Randomized, Double-blind Prospective and Parallel Female Acne Spironolactone vs doxyCycline Efficacy (FASCE) Study. Acta Derm Venereol, 2024(104):adv26002


Amini-Adle, M ; Arnault, JP ; Aubin, F ; Beneton, N ; Bens, G ; Brunet-Possenti, F ; Célérier, P & al
The combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab is still not reimbursed for BRAF-mutated melanoma patients in France: An unacceptable medical situation that raises ethical concerns. Ann Dermatol Venereol, 2024(151):103243



Armengaud, C ; Fauconnier, A ; Drioueche, H ; Campagne Loiseau, S ; De Tayrac, R ; Saussine, C C ; … ; Ferry, P ; …& al
Serious complications and recurrences after retropubic vs transobturator midurethral sling procedures for 2682 patients in the VIGI-MESH register. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2024 (230)428.e1-428.e13


Camilli, H ; Fatton, B ; Gand, E ; Campagne-Loiseau, S ; De Tayrac, R ; Wagner, L C ; … ; Ferry, P ; … & al
Perceived health status after mid-urethral sling revision in 287 women from the VIGI-MESH registry: A cross-sectional study. BJOG, 2024 ()



Jauvain, M ; Carrer, M ; Palma, F ; Chapuzet, C ; Courat, N ; Heslan, C & al
Bacteraemia associated with multiple septic localizations caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type ST660. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2024 ()


Maladies infectieuses

Jauvain, M ; Carrer, M ; Palma, F ; Chapuzet, C ; Courat, N ; Heslan, C & al
Bacteraemia associated with multiple septic localizations caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type ST660. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2024 ()

Denis, G; Espitia, O ; Allix-Béguec, C ; Dieval, C ; Lorcerie, F ; Gombert, B A ; … ; Pouget-Abadie, X ; … & al
Diagnostic Strategy Using Color Doppler Ultrasound of Temporal Arteries in Patients With High Clinical Suspicion of Giant Cell Arteritis : A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med, 2024 (177)729-737


Médecine interne et hématologie (Rochefort)

de Valence, B ; Delaune, M ; Nguyen, Y ; Jachiet, V ; Heiblig, M ; Jean, A ; … ; Denis, G ; … & al
Serious infections in patients with VEXAS syndrome: data from the French VEXAS registry. Ann Rheum Dis, 2024(83):372-381


Denis, G; Espitia, O ; Allix-Béguec, C ; Dieval, C ; Lorcerie, F ; Gombert, B & al
Diagnostic Strategy Using Color Doppler Ultrasound of Temporal Arteries in Patients With High Clinical Suspicion of Giant Cell Arteritis : A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med, 2024 (177)729-737


Médecine interne (La Rochelle)

Denis, G ; Espitia, O ; Allix-Béguec, C ; Dieval, C ; Lorcerie, F ; Gombert, B & al
Diagnostic Strategy Using Color Doppler Ultrasound of Temporal Arteries in Patients With High Clinical Suspicion of Giant Cell Arteritis : A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med, 2024 (177)729-737


Médecine vasculaire

Denis, G ; Espitia, O ; Allix-Béguec, C ; Dieval, C ; Lorcerie, F ; Gombert, B ; … ; Roncato, C
Diagnostic Strategy Using Color Doppler Ultrasound of Temporal Arteries in Patients With High Clinical Suspicion of Giant Cell Arteritis : A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med, 2024 (177)729-737



Deschamps, R ; Guillaume, J ; Ciron, J ; Audoin, B ; Ruet, A ; Maillart, E ; … ; Cantagrel, P ; …; & al
Early Maintenance Treatment Initiation and Relapse Risk Mitigation After a First Event of MOGAD in Adults: The MOGADOR2 Study. Neurology, 2024 (103)e209624



Moreau, M ; Alouani, E ; Flecchia, C ; Falcoz, A ; Gallois, C ; Auclin, E ; … ; Masson, T ; … & al
A multicenter study evaluating efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-colorectal digestive cancers with microsatellite instability. Eur J Cancer, 2024(202):114033


Leleu, X ; Hulin, C ; Lambert, J ; Bobin, A ; Perrot, A ; Karlin, L Roul, C ; … & al
Isatuximab, lenalidomide, dexamethasone and bortezomib in transplant-ineligible multiple myeloma: the randomized phase 3 BENEFIT trial. Nat Med, 2024 ()


Carsuzaa, F ; Chary, E ; Thariat, J ; Dufour, X ; Favier, V
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: A frequent and difficult-to-detect complication of radiotherapy for oropharyngeal cancers. Radiother Oncol, 2024(192):110109


Mazel, B ; Delanne, J ; Garde, A ; Racine, C ; Bruel, AL ; Duffourd, Y ; … ; Niclass, T ; … & al
FOXG1 variants can be associated with milder phenotypes than congenital Rett syndrome with unassisted walking and language development. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 2024():e32970

Furia, F ; Levy, AM ; Theunis, M ; Bamshad, MJ ; Bartos, MN ; Bijlsma, EK ; … ; Niclass, T ; … & al
The phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of individuals with mono- or biallelic ANK3 variants. Clin Genet, 2024 ()


Renaux Torres, MC ; Bouttefroy, S ; Letort-Bertrand, M ; Maurel, V ; Mouffak, S ; Scotté, F & al
[Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in pediatric oncology patients: 2023 recommendations from the Supportive Care Committee of the French Society of Cancer in Children and Adolescents]. Bull Cancer, 2024 (111)608-619


Aubin, HJ ; Berlin, I ; Guiraud, J ; Bruhwyler, J ; Batel, P ; Perney, P ; … ; Bendimerad, P ; …& al
Prazosin and cyproheptadine in combination in the treatment of alcohol use disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Addiction, 2024 (119)1211-1223



Renaudier, M ; Binois, Y ; Dumas, F ; Lamhaut, L ; Beganton, F ; Jost, D ; Charpentier, J ; Lesieur, O & al
Controlled donation after circulatory death in post-cardiac arrest patients: estimates from a large registry. Resuscitation, 2024():110202


Malherbe, J ; Godard, P ; Lacherade, JC ; Coirier, V ; Argaud, L ; Hyvernat, H ; … ; Lesieur, O ; … & al Clinical description and outcome of overall varicella-zoster virus-related organ dysfunctions admitted in intensive care units: the VAZOREA cohort study. Ann Intensive Care, 2024(14):44


Coudroy, R ; Lejars, A ; Rodriguez, M ; Frat, JP ; Rault, C ; Arrivé, F & al
Physiological Effects of Reconnection to the Ventilator for 1 Hour Following a Successful Spontaneous Breathing Trial. Chest, 2024():


Orieux, A ; Prevel, R ; Dumery, M ; Lascarrou, JB ; Zucman, N ; Reizine, F ; … ; Lesieur, O ; … & al
Invasive group A streptococcal infections requiring admission to ICU: a nationwide, multicenter, retrospective study (ISTRE study). Crit Care, 2024(28):4


Sacleux, SC ; Ichaï, P ; Coilly, A ; Boudon, M ; Lemaitre, E ; Sobesky, R & al
Liver transplant selection criteria and outcomes in critically ill patients with ACLF. JHEP Rep, 2024(6):100929


Terzi, N ; Fournier, A ; Lesieur, O; Chappé, J ; Annane, D ; Chagnon, JL & al
Perceived Quality of Life in Intensive Care Medicine Physicians: A French National Survey. J Intensive Care Med, 2024(39):230-239

Fernández, S ; Grafia, I ; Peyrony, O ; Canet, E ; Vigneron, C ; Monet, C ; … ; Lesieur, O ; … & al
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of immunocompromised critically ill patients with cytomegalovirus end-organ disease: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Crit Care, 2024 (28)243

Kamel, T ; Janssen-Langenstein, R ; Quelven, Q ; Chelly, J ; Valette, X ; Le, MP ; … ; Lesieur, O ; … & al
Pneumocystis pneumonia in intensive care: clinical spectrum, prophylaxis patterns, antibiotic treatment delay impact, and role of corticosteroids. A French multicentre prospective cohort study. Intensive Care Med, 2024 (50)1228-1239

Le Pape, S ; Joly, F ; Arrivé, F ; Frat, JP ; Rodriguez, M ; Joos, M & al
Factors associated with decreased compliance after on-site extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cannulation for acute respiratory distress syndrome: A retrospective, observational cohort study. J Intensive Med, 2024 (4)194-201

Reizine, F ; Michelet, P ; Delbove, A ; Rieul, G ; Bodenes, L ; Bouju, P; … ; Lesieur, O ; … & al
Development and validation of a clinico-biological score to predict outcomes in patients with drowning-associated cardiac arrest. Am J Emerg Med, 2024 (81)69-74



Marjanovic, N ; Jonchier, M ; Guenezan, J ; Delelis-Fanien, H ; Reuter, PG ; Mimoz, O
Telemedicine in Nursing Home Residents Requiring a Call to an Emergency Medical Communication Center. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 2024 (25)195-200.e1


Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Goffoy, J ; Dubois, N ; Almoyner, N ; Bardet, C ; Dubreucq, E & al
Collaborative virtual reality environment in disaster medicine: moving from single player to multiple learners. BMC Med Educ, 2024 (24)422



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